Sunday, December 18, 2011

My boyfriend and I just moved into an apartment on a 15 month lease. Our plan is to save up during our occupancy at this apartment for a 6 month move to Japan. We'll be renting an apartment or house there, we haven't quite smoothed out the details of where in Japan either, Tokyo or otherwise.

During this 15 month stay we're going to learn Japanese (Rosetta Stone, Baby!) and learn about Japanese culture, and I'll be posting updates and videos and instructional posts to teach you along the way!

I'm fascinated with the Japanese KAWAII, which means "cute" in Japanese... but more than that really, its the quality of cuteness and is a facet in modern Japanese culture.

So stick around and follow me, bookmark me, follow me on twitter and soon facebook! Follow my adventure getting ready to move from Florida to Japan, learning about Japan, then follow my trips through Japan!

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